Monday, April 5, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness Re-visited

Hello everyone,
Random acts of kindness can be so rewarding. I was telling a friend about this class and I was telling her about random acts of kindness. It all started by me telling her about how I had helped some woman and how rewarded I felt for thinking of someone else. We discussed the positives and negatives. This past week she spent in New York and had a different perspective when she came back. She said the people seemed to be just "out for themselves." She has a heart of gold and would do just about anything for anyone. She told a man he had toilet paper on his shoe, he thanked her, and her friend said that no one else would have done that but a tourist. Another example that happened before she left is when we were hanging out and coming back to my house and there was a brick in the middle of the street, she pulled over and got out of her car and moved it so that no one would get hurt. It disgusts me to think that people can't look and see outside their bubble. If people were more concerned about others than the world would be a better place. Little acts of kindness add up to big deeds of love!!!