Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Integral Assessment

Hello everyone,
The integral assessment is the tool we need to choose to transform our health and life from conventional to integral, from ordinary to precious. This is an integral process of taking inventory in our lives, or analyzing our lives, finding our weaknesses and changing our lives for the better. The integral assessment takes a careful look at our current circumstances, identifying the aspects of our life that require attention, determining the specific changes we wish to address, and establishing a program of integral practice that will promote change.
The Six Principles of Integral Assessment are:
1.) The goal of integral health is to alleviate needless suffering and promote human flourishing.
2.) Integral health recognizes the distinction between short-term relief of needless suffering and permanent relief.
3.) Integral health recognizes the distinction between immediate pleasure and long-term flourishing.
4.) Psychospiritual development is an essential component of integral health.
5.) Integral assessment relies on deep listening and guidance.
6.) Integral assessment addresses the aspects, levels, and lines of development that are relevant to our current circumstance.

I absolutely love the integral assessment, because it gives me a chance to really evaluate my life. This is something that I practice anyway. My listening and communicating skills and how I express myself would be the areas that I choose to be a focus of growth and development, because they need constant working on. Some specific exercises or activities that I can implement to foster greater wellness in this area is to journal more to explore the depth of the situation in order to overcome/resolve it.
No more pain and suffering!

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