Sunday, March 28, 2010

Unit 7 The Meeting Aesclepian Exercise

Hello everyone,
This exercise used visualization to focus on a "wise" person that we respect, which was hard for me to do at first. I liked Harriet Cianci's voice, it is more soothing for mediation. The image of our mentor becomes our focal point, focusing on compassion, joy, and love. Then, I stabilized the image and envisioned it purifying our hearts, thoughts, and speech into a peaceful state. Finally, I felt purified and like my heart had been transformed and filled with loving-kindness and wisdom. In this sense we experience, Asclepian healing and the total "wise one" as a skillfull teacher, experiencing wise guidance of mind, heart, and speech. I felt relaxed after I completed this exercise. I was able to relax, breath, and stretch. I like the closing statements of this exercise. Through daily practice our lives will unfold like a lotus flower encompassing mind, body, and spirit as we flourish towards integral health. Our inner essence is a support, guide or gift, giving healing by irradicating mental distress/stress related illnesses as we move towards integral health. Mindfulness or meditation has fostered an increase in my psychological or spiritual wellness by making me more aware of those "focal points" in my life and how to deal with them. I will definetely continue to apply these practices in my life to foster greater health and wellness.

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